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Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) Releases 2021 Environmental Technologies and Practices Inventory

0CLIA LogoCruise Lines International Association (CLIA), the leading voice of the global cruise industry, released today the CLIA Global Cruise Industry Environmental Technologies and Practices Inventory and associated Environmental Report produced by Oxford Economics (OE).

COP26 – Shaping the Future of Shipping: Closing Ceremony- Remarks by Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, IMO

Ki tack LIMSaturday 6 November, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UNited Kingdom

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honour to address you at the closing ceremony of this important conference.

I would like to express my appreciation for this industry initiative bringing leaders together in the sidelines of COP 26 to discuss the future of our vital industry.

You are all aware that shipping has historically maintained its position as the most environmentally friendly mode of transport of large quantities of goods.

However, the latest climate reports send a clear message. We urgently need to accelerate decarbonization in all industrial and transport sectors.

Maritime also has to play its part.

Shipping's decarbonization journey has already begun.

Following the Paris Agreement, IMO adopted in 2018 an Initial GHG Strategy setting out a vision and commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping as a matter of urgency.

A comprehensive set of mandatory measures to improve and expedite the entire world fleet’s energy efficiency was adopted in June this year and will enter into force next year.

IMO Member States have already initiated discussions on further reaching measures, which will progress shipping’s course to decarbonization.

We must upgrade our ambition keeping up with the latest developments in the global community.

Proposals have been put forward to set a maximum carbon-content for marine fuels in combination with carbon pricing mechanisms, based on economic instruments, or market-based measures.

As the resolve to tackle climate change is strengthened, the discussions at COP 26 also clearly emphasize that climate action should not further deepen the gap between developed and developing countries.

IMO has a framework to assess and address the potential impacts of GHG reduction measures on States paying particular attention to the needs of developing countries, especially Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries.

To make shipping’s decarbonization a reality, investments in renewable energy and port infrastructure are crucial.

IMO has established a cooperation platform with financial institutions to remove barriers that may impede investment in shipping’s energy transition.

The industry has been a key partner with IMO in the journey to decarbonize shipping.

Cooperation between the public and private sector is instrumental to the further development of IMO’s regulations and in facilitating R&D, technology cooperation.

The calls for action by world leaders, both from governments and business, are loud and clear in this past week at COP 26.

We need to act now, and we need to act urgently but we also need to act collaboratively, inclusively, equitably and sustainably, leaving no one behind.

I am certain that the momentum from COP 26 will be driving force for progress at IMO and keep the global maritime community at the heart of efforts to combat climate change.

Thank you!

Maersk joins first mover coalition to drive demand for carbon neutral solutions in hard to abate-industries

members 768x433Alongside representatives from leading global brands and in the presence of US President Biden and EC President von der Leyen, Henriette Hallberg Thygesen (back row, #3 from the right) today signed A.P. Moller - Maersk up to the First Movers' Coalition
Roughly half of the emission reductions needed to reach the 2050 climate goals rely on technologies in early development, demonstration or prototype phases. Accelerating innovation in this decade is critical to bring these technologies to market and make them cost-competitive.

To jumpstart this effort, the World Economic Forum, in partnership with US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, announced the First Movers Coalition - a new platform for companies to make purchasing commitments that create new market demand for low carbon technologies.

Alongside global brands such as Amazon and Apple, A.P. Moller - Maersk is a founding member of the coalition.

“We still have a long way to go, but it is very encouraging to see that the ball is rolling. Im delighted for us at Maersk to sign up to such a strong initiative and to see leading companies in hard to abate sectors make bold net zero commitments, this is what is needed to drive real climate action in this decade,” says Henriette Hallberg Thygesen, A.P. Moller - Maersk CEO of Fleet & Strategic Brands, who in the presence of EC President Ursula Von der Leyen and U.S. President Joe Biden signed Maersk up to the initiative at the COP26 summit in Glasgow, Scotland.

We still have a long way to go, but it is very encouraging to see that the ball is rolling. I'm delighted for us at Maersk to sign up to such a strong initiative and to see leading companies in hard to abate sectors make bold net zero commitments, this is what is needed to drive real climate action in this decade.

Henriette Hallberg Thygesen,
A.P. Moller - Maersk CEO of Fleet & Strategic Brands
Maersk is signing up to a target that at least 5% of its deep-sea shipping operations will be powered by zero-emission fuels by 2030. The commitments aim to be collectively significant enough to commercialize decarbonization technologies. They follow similar ambitions from leading global retailers last month, where brands including Unilever, Ikea and Inditex announced a target to progressively switch all of their ocean freight to vessels powered by zero-carbon fuels by 2040.

Milestones in this decade
The First Movers Coalition will create long-term impact by driving milestones this decade through investment into technological solutions across eight key sectors.

Technology has given us the tools to reduce our emissions and build a stronger and more inclusive economy of the future. For innovators and investors to play their part in tackling the climate crisis, they need clear market demand. The First Movers Coalition will leverage the collective purchasing power of leading companies and drive the need for these technologies. I call on business leaders to work with us and be the role models keeping our climate goals alive.

Borge Brende,
President of the World Economic Forum
Seven of the chosen sectors — steel, cement, aluminum, chemicals, shipping, aviation, and trucking—account for more than a third of global carbon emissions, but do not have cost-competitive clean energy alternatives to fossil fuels. The eighth, direct air capture, could reduce atmospheric carbon-dioxide levels to help achieve net-zero global emissions but also requires technological innovation to reach commercial viability.

The First Movers Coalition is a platform for the world’s leading global companies to make purchasing commitments to create early markets for critical technologies needed to achieve net-zero by 2050. In this critical decade, we not only need to deploy as rapidly as possible existing clean energy technologies, such as wind turbines, solar panel, and battery storage, but also drive innovation for our long-term decarbonization goals.

Dry Bulk markets: Xclusiv Shipbrokers Inc. latest Weekly S&P Report

bulk ships 000We are witnessing a correction in the Dry Bulk markets since last weeks. We see daily rates move to lower levels when compared to 2-3 weeks ago.

latest Weekly S&P Report Xclusiv Shipbrokers Inc.

bulk ships 000Rising inflation is creating anxiety around the world as a significant increase in demand, following the easing of Covid-19 lockdowns, has been confronted by rising prices of energy and raw materials and notably supply bottlenecks. In many countries, these sharp consumer-price increases have evoked more or less similar responses from most central banks, by raising interest rates.


0CELESTYALCelestyal Cruises, the award-winning, number one choice for cruise travellers to the Greek Islands and the Eastern Mediterranean, is pleased to launch its "Black Friday BOGO" campaign early this year.

CLIA announces appointment of Director General for Europe

0CLIAMarie Caroline Laurent1Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), the leading voice for the global cruise industry, announced the appointment of Marie-Caroline Laurent as Director General for CLIA in Europe, effective as of 15 November 2021.

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