
Last updateΠεμ, 24 Οκτ 2024 6pm

News in English

European shipowners call for stronger measures to accelerate clean fuel uptake in shipping

raptis 800 400The Draghi report identifies shipping as one the most difficult sectors to decarbonise, requiring annual investments of 40 billion Euro. It stresses that building a supply chain for alternative fuels is critical for the EU to meet its climate targets. In a position paper released today, European Shipowners put forward their recommendations to support the uptake of clean fuels in shipping.
The ‘Fit for 55’ package and the recent historic IMO agreement on Greenhouse Gas Strategy have set clear targets for shipping to reach net-zero by 2050. To meet its European and international climate targets, shipping urgently needs priority access to clean fuels, in sufficient quantities and at affordable prices.
The Draghi report identifies the development of a supply chain for clean fuels as a priority for the EU, warning that otherwise the costs of meeting its climate targets will be significant. The report also highlights the significant price gap between conventional and clean fuels, which for shipping can be up to five times more expensive. Shipping faces stiff competition from other transport modes for access to clean fuels, in particular advanced biofuels and e-fuels.
To accelerate the production and uptake of clean fuels for shipping, European shipowners put forward the following recommendations:
Use the EU ETS revenues to bridge the price gap between clean and conventional fuels, notably via dedicated calls for shipping under the EU Innovation Fund, and tailored mechanisms such Auctions-as-a-Service or Grant-as-a-Service.
Foster the production of clean fuels for shipping by strengthening the provisions of the FuelEU Maritime Regulation and of RED III by introducing a mandate on fuel suppliers to produce in the EU at least 40% of the shipping fuels needed to comply with the FuelEU Maritime targets. Shipping should be given priority access to clean fuels as advocated by the Commission's Communication on the 2040 climate target.
Develop energy hubs and deliver on safety. Infrastructure is a prerequisite to the decarbonisation of the shipping sector. Under the upcoming Maritime Industrial Strategy, the 40% production call for clean fuels in Europe should be translated into concrete requirements for port infrastructure, as well as investments to turn major European ports into energy hubs.
“The Draghi report highlights that shipping is one of the most difficult sectors to decarbonise requiring nearly 40 billion euros of annual investment. We need all hands on deck to cover the enormous price gap between conventional and clean fuels that can be up to five times more expensive. The energy transition is a great opportunity for Europe to increase investments in clean tech and fuels and enhance the international competitiveness of our industry. We call for a 40% production target for clean shipping fuels in Europe, in line with the benchmark of the Net-Zero Industry Act. The EU can leverage the transition of shipping to strengthen fuel manufacturing in Europe, as part of the upcoming Clean Industrial Deal and the Maritime Industrial Strategy" said Sotiris Raptis, ECSA Secretary General.

Download the ECSA Position Paper:
ECSA position paper on clean fuels for shipping

Celestyal announces support of two local charity events

0IMAGE 1aAs part of Celestyal’s ongoing commitment to the local communities of the ports and destinations in which they homeport and visit, the cruise line has announced its support of two charitable events this year:

New profiling tool empowers women's blue economy careers

0Γαλ3 SmallIntroducing the She4Sea profiling tool, offering new career opportunities for women in the Blue Economy.

The dry bulk market has exhibited a mixed performance since the beginning of the year

0bulk carrierThe dry bulk market has exhibited a mixed performance since the beginning of the year, with different segments experiencing varying trends.

Positive signs from the dry cargo market

0bulker loading coalIakovos (Jack) Archontakis
Commercial Director TMC MARITIME CO.

Dr. Fotios-Evangelos Karlis
Maritime Executive and Consultant

The dry bulk cargo market showed signs of recovery with improvements taking place across all sizes.

Brief report and predictions for next week for handy and supramax sizes 20TH September 2024

0bulk carrierHANDYSIZE

• USG/USEC: The market faced pressure from oversupply as many vessels moved to the area in anticipation of the grain season. Additionally, charterers preferred to wait, further pressing the numbers. Expect more activity moving towards October.

Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) Statement regarding Specific Tourism Management Measures in Greece

cliaWe appreciate the Government’s desire to ensure a balanced and sustainable tourism in Greece. We welcome the Minister’s comments on the importance of port infrastructure to improve tourism flows, and the wish to promote new destinations, which align with CLIA’s Action Plan for Greece, adopted last year. We also recognize the Government’s desire to increase home porting, given the substantial economic impact it brings.

At the same time, we encourage the Government to consider the potential economic impact of the new passenger fee on cruise tourism and reinforce our call for meaningful consultation with cruise operators, impacted municipalities, ports and tourism stakeholders.

In 2025, the new berth management systems will be in place in Santorini and Mykonos. We therefore urge the Government to apply the new fee from 2026 onwards allowing the impact of these systems to be taken into consideration.

We will continue working closely with the Government on sustainable tourism initiatives that benefit visitors and residents alike.

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