
Last updateΠαρ, 14 Φεβ 2025 5pm

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European Commission 2014 Work Programme

barozo-076On 22nd October 2013, the European Commission adopted its Work Programme for 2014. Particular focus is placed on the finalisation of the banking union, the single market and the digital agenda. Emphasis is also put on combatting youth unemployment and on new measures under the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2014-2020 swiftly becoming operational.

ECSA concerns over EU MRV proposals

European Community Shipowners AssociationsThe European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA) welcome the Commission's proposal for a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system of CO2 emissions from maritime transport as a step towards finding an appropriate global solution for CO2 monitoring from international shipping. However, it is ECSA's position that any mandatory requirements on MRV for the international shipping sector, must be agreed at IMO level, as this is the only way of securing a globally harmonised system, according to an ECSA position paper.

EU Ship Recycling Regulation

anakyklosi ploion-000At plenary session on 22nd October 2013, the European Parliament (EP) adopted a legislative resolution on a new Ship Recycling Regulation. The adopted text is the result of a compromise agreement reached last June in Trilogue, amongst the Council under the Irish Presidency, the European Parliament and the Commission. The original EP text had proposed the introduction of a so-called "recycling fund" and other controversial elements, far exceeding the requirements of the IMO Hong Kong Convention on the Recycling of Ships, which has yet to be ratified. See the European Parliament press release.

Baltic Dry Index Technical Analysis - 25/10/13

capesizeWeekly closing 1671. Capesizes are continuing their dramatic decline. FFA contracts for November taking a massive hit, losing USD 9k and currently marked at around USD 21k. Panamaxes decline tends to become impulsive, while on the contrary Supras' condition is not bad at all , followed by handies who are quite stable with almost no volatility at all. (Quite the opposite than the Capesizes where their volatility is an extreme one).The 2nd attached chart shows all vessels' type day tc equivalent in USD.

Drycargo Shipping Technical Analysis (BDI) - 19/10/13

chart-7778Weekly closing 1901. Nothing special and Index continues to drop in slow motion driven mainly by capesizes (below usd29,000 daily), while panamaxes and supras are in a consolidation phase. Momentum is fading and seasonal negative factors knock our door. Market is going to decline further during Nov/Dec/Jan (espclly last two months), and hope not in a strong bearish momentum.

Golden Destiny: Monthly Market Report - September

golden-destiny-logo-finalAttached you can find the Monthly Market Report for September 2013, by Golden Destiny, which contains:

Dry Cargo Shipping Technical Analysis (BDI)

capesize1Weekly closing 1985. Many consider 2000 level as an important one but its totally wrong and this is just a psycological level (like 1000), with no technical significance. On the contrary, area around 2200/2400 tends to become a strong resistance.

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